Lockdown 3.0
We may be in lockdown, again, however, we are busy behind the scenes working on our programmes in readiness for the reopening of schools. Lockdown 3 has meant the suspension of our Safe Hands programme delivery to schools that we are currently working with. We were also due to start work in five new schools at the beginning of 2021 but this too has been postponed.
We are making best use of the virtual platforms and have delivered our Safe Hands programme via Teams. We are also using Teams to provide young people with much needed 1-2-1 support during these challenging times.
We look forward to a time, hopefully, sooner rather than later, when we can get back into schools to do the face to face work with children and young people that is so rewarding for us and potentially life-changing for them.
On a different but related matter. We have received very positive verbal and written comments about our new website, developed during Lockdown 1.0, which had a very soft launch in September 2020. Lockdown does have some benefits.